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Global Feminist Pitch 2024: Call For Application

Call for Application

The Global Feminist Pitch is back to support aspiring, feminist documentary filmmakers from Latin America, the Caribbean, Asia, Africa, the Middle East and (South) Eastern Europe. Apply now!

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Who’s Ready to Fight Plastic Pollution?


A global meeting in November to address the problem by establishing a legally binding agreement did not meet the moment. When the International Negotiating Committee convenes again next year, delegates’ ambitions will need to match the scale and scope of the problem.

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4 minutes


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Una política de los recursos para un futuro justo

Este Memorándum es el resultado de un proceso que se extendió por dos años. Con este Memorandum, la Fundación Heinrich Böll ofrece una perspectiva que combina democracia, ecología y derechos humanos y propone formas fundamentales que pueden constituir la base para una política de los recursos justa y sostenible.