La economía centrada en el cuidado
La economía se ha convertido en una especie de ciencia de referencia de la que muchas personas toman su visión de lo que es " normal" y "correcto" en la valoración de las relaciones y las actividades. Sin embargo, en la ciencia económica actual, esas actividades que se realizan en los hogares para satisfacer las necesidades no se estudian o se estudian de manera marginal y a menudo están distorsionadas. ¿Cuáles son las consecuencias de esta omisión?
La teóloga Ina Praetorius responde a esta pregunta en su ensayo "La economía centrada en el cuidado -Redescubriendo lo que se ha dado por sentado” llevando a los/las lectores/as a un viaje intelectual a través de la historia occidental de las ideas y demuestra cómo un orden dicotómico desigual está profundamente arraigado en la forma en que la economía y la sociedad están hoy organizadas.
Product details
Table of contents
1 The dichotomization of humanity. A journey through a history
1.1 The question of the beginnings
1.2 Xanthippe and Socrates: Life begins on the other side?
1.3 Soul and body, polis and oikos, master and slave, man and animal: Aristotelian metaphysics
1.4 God the Lord and the silent woman: the patriarchal monotheisms
1.5 Human dignity and persistent paternalism: the European Partial Enlightenment
1.6 Work and love, gender and national characters: the 19th century
1.7 A divided economy
1.8 Nature as a boundary in itself and the question of meaning
1.9 Another dualism: secularism and the question of meaning
1.10 Post-dualistic beginnings and the return of the question of meaning to the public sphere
1.11 Economy and ecology
2 Separatisms, integrations and denial
2.1 Simplifying the (intentionally) complicated: schematic reductions
2.2 Separatist inversions: matriarchy – wildness – négritude…
2.3 Types of integration: equality—aid programs—monetization
2.4 Refusal: from deception to un-deception
3 From post-dichotomous Durcheinander to a different paradigm
3.1 Durcheinander and the paradigm shift
3.2 The necessary re-centering of the economy
3.3 Care as a critique of normal economics
3.4 From a narrow to a broad concept of care, or: The care-centered economy
3.5 The political relevance of a paradigm shift in economics
4 Rediscovering what has been taken for granted: an open-ended list
4.1 Metaphorical work
4.2 Social media
4.3 Peninsulas against the current
4.4 Ecological social policy
4.5 Departure from the secondary contradiction
4.6 Dirty work: searching for traces
4.7 The thinking of natality
4.8 The other in between: post-dichotomous reconstruction of the religious
4.9 Sumak kawsay and gross national happiness
4.10 From human dignity to the dignity of living beings
4.11 Queer ecology
4.12 Care revolution
Taking the next steps